Responsive Web Design

In working with one client on their stats we noticed something interesting…2012 saw a huge rise in mobile device use to their website.

No surprise I suppose, everyone seems to have a phone or tablet nowadays. They are a very great convenience for using the web on the go. The problem is, websites are being left behind. It was bad enough when a web developer like yours truly had to factor in the various web browsers (fun, fun) but now to take into account such a variety of screen sizes…ugh.

Well…’ugh’ no more! The solution (or perhaps response is it were) is responsive web design. Through the use of CSS and various scripts, websites can now scale very effectively to whatever screen size they are being viewed on. Here are a few of the advantages to this method…

  • No need to differentiate for mobile specific devices (and a single url domain)
  • Allows for an opportunity to update the code of the site for current best practices
  • Content remains consistent across all devices and inherit control

With mobile device use only continuing to escalate the demand for a responsive web site will rise accordingly.  I’m so convinced in this that I have made it my staple for all websites I develop from here on in.

Is your website mobile friendly?  Here’s a great tool to test with –

Maybe it’s time to get responsive…drop me a line and I’ll work with you to convert your current website.

example of this site on a mobile device displaying responsive web as seen on the iphone 5